Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out our website and we hope you will check out First Love Outreach. We want to help. First we want to to know you and give you the chance to know us. We’re small right now, and really don’t intend to become a mega church, as they call it. We want to stay relational, and be more like the family of God should be.
We want to help with whatever you struggle with. First and foremost, Jesus is the answer to absolutely everything. And He lives through those of us who are born again children of the Living God who is Love. God has shown us His great love in sending His only Son on a rescue mission for me and you. It cost Him His human life. But He lives! Being resurrected by the Spirit of God into a new glorified life, He has now given of His life to us, who will receive Him by faith.
The Spirit is living in we who are born again children of God. And He works through us. We simply want to yield to His soverignty and ownership of who we are, and allow Him to show the love He has given us to others.
God has given gifts to His children. Maybe our gifts can help you. And as you receive Christ and the gifts the Spirit has for you, you can help us. We can help one another. We need one another, just as we need Jesus. It’s is truly about relationship and not about religion. The oneness we have with God the Father and God the Son, and with one another in Jesus, is amazing!
I sense that God is doing a great work and we are in the midst of a revival. Not a revival to grow a local church, or to a particular pastor or whatever shape that might take, but a revival by the Spirit of God to the unity of His body that He alone can, and is, and will do! This is bigger than me, or you, or your particular church or your own preconceived notions or your desire to live your life your way. This about the abundant and everlasting life in Christ that is yours and mine the very moment we choose to accept His offer of resurrection of our soul and spirit!
Come join us. And if you would like to talk about it. Let’s do it! Call me at 260-336-4106 or send email to bannerkidd55@gmail.com.